Sunday, November 1, 2015

Surprise Reunion!

What began with a mid-crosswalk compliment on a stranger's shoes turned into an unplanned Geo-fam reunion outside the Baltimore Convention Center. Today I ran into former UALR Earth Sciences professor Dr. Jamey Jones as we walked to the GSA afternoon sessions. I never had class with Dr. Jones but we met at the GSA meeting two years ago in Denver, Colorado. I  honestly thought he looked familiar when I first saw him today but figured that it was due to the plaid-shirt-and-beard combo that is so prevalent at this type of conference. Dr. Jones now works as a research geologist for the USGS in Anchorage, Alaska, but his legacy lives on in the Earth Sciences because he co-founded and led the Field Geology II course which all geology majors are required to take. 

This is one of the many reasons I love GSA! The annual meetings promote networking and meeting new people but also allow for reconnecting and catching up with those from past conferences. 

--m. wren

P.S. Dr. Jones, if you're reading this, I hope you'll join the rest of us for our department dinner Tuesday night! Also, shout out to the rad shoes you were wearing! Here's a visual because I know you guys are interested:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamey!!! It's great to "see" you, even if it isn't in person. ~Ginny
