Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Eventful days at GSA 2015

Sarah here again!  This morning I went to several talks on intracontinental rifting.  One talk used Rayleigh wave tomagraphy to get a picture of the lithosphere beneath the Reelfoot Rift.  They discovered high crustal velocities along the rift, which correlate with a gravity anomaly, and are most likely due to mafic intrusions during rifting.  Lower velocities were found in the mantle, which could be linked to the refertilization (rehydration and increase in Fe content) of the mantle beneath the rift.

After the talks I went and spoke with Dr. de Silva, and will be communicating with him via email when we get back to Little Rock.

I spent the afternoon relaxing, then headed to the MGPV Division reception, where I talked with several people about graduate school and one girl about Iceland (she was there during the Holuhraun eruption), before heading over to Tir na nÓg to have dinner with everyone.

Now it's time to pack and get ready for the last few hours in Baltimore!  I'll be getting up early to check out the volcanology posters before we head out.

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