Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Baltimore Conference 1^3 + 2

Hi guys this is Chris DeGarmo,

Today has been great thus far.  Woke up early to listen to two talks about the research being done on geology in National parks across the country.

The first talk was about thermal regime changes on hydrologic and aquatic resources in The Grand Canyon, apparently this place is in North Arizona (if you did not already know).  The research consisted of two different methods using Phabsim and temperature modeling on bright angel creek (bac) and indian garden creek.  Really well laid out presentation, and a speaker with a great sense of humor.

The second talk consisted of the loch vale watershed, in Rock Mountain National park.  Learned some interesting stuff about core samples, nitrogen deposition from the environment, carbon dating, and algal blooms at high elevation due to the phosphorous levels + nitrogen.  This research is still active to date, and seems to have quite a ways to go.

For you hungry people out there, go to the small deli next to Goddess, reasonably priced with coconut water.  

-Chris signing off  

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