Monday, November 2, 2015

GSA 11/2/2015


This morning Dr. Ruhl took Matt, Chris, and I out for breakfast at good ole' starbucks since we were all presenting today. After breakfast I went over my talk with Dr. Ruhl then we sat through most of the geology and health talks until my talk at 11:05. Then I gave my talk which was cool because a man I have been emailing about working with, Dr. Datta, was running the session and got to hear my talk. Another person I have been talking to about graduate school, Dr. Gutierrez, came to my talk and we got to visit afterwards. I went to lunch with Matt and Josh from Fayetteville. After lunch I went to get new socks because my loafers I wore with my lady suit made my feet bleed, then I bleed through those socks and decided to go back to the hotel to change. I went to a talk on zircon/fluid trace element partitioning which was excellent and given by a guy I want to work with at Vanderbilt. I hit up a talk on brines in coal-mine drainage too with Christina, that guy was funny. Okay that's my first post for the day.

-Top kidney geologist (Ashley Horton)

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