Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday at San Salvador

Hello all,

Monday is here, it is our "official" first full day on San Salvador. Things are going well so far, and we couldn't ask for better weather. There are two other schools with students here at the moment, University of Akron, and University of Chicago, so there are lots of comings and goings of groups of students. Today we went to a few stops to observe the formations of different rock layers at places around the north and west parts of the island, and capped the afternoon off with a nice dive on the west side of the island. However, the reef we intended to look at was apparently destroyed from hurricane Juaquin (sp.) back in the fall, and most of the coral and rock formations had been washed upon the beach.

Other than that, things are pretty standard here. As mentioned, the weather is awesome; most of us are sunburned already, and going on little sleep due to hot dorms and sharing rooms with sand fleas (their bites don't itch, they just let you know when they bite, about every minute or two throughout the night) BUT HEY, WE'RE IN THE BAHAMAS.  

Best wishes to all,

JT Poole

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