Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 2: From Nassau to San Sal

Today started with a rough groggy morning, and an early arrival at the Nassau airport. We were, again, delayed. We eventually boarded the flight at 11:50. The plane was small, and utilized props for locomotion. The ride was loud, albeit quite beautiful. Many forms of life could be seen in the water, and the landing was smooth. Stepping out of the plane and getting the first glimpse of the airport was shocking, it was then when you really realize we are somewhere more primitive, and much smaller than the last island. It felt good to be here, San Sal.

Shortly, the trucks arrived and we had a scenic open-air ride to the GRC. The center was located right across from the beach, and the view was amazing. We got oriented and headed to the cafeteria to get some much needed food (which I might add was quite tasty). The rest of the day was spent snorkeling and getting oriented with the grounds. I am exhausted but blissfully satisfied. I'll update with a few pictures soon.

Don't be too jealous... ;)
Heath B.

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