Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 1: Nassau

With little sleep, and an anxious mind, I stepped foot into the airport yesterday morning. It was the first time in over ten years since I've flown, and I wasn't too sure if I was ready, but it was time. A few delays, and several hours later, we were there, Nassau. The anticipation to get to the hotel and check out the island was unreal. Even more unreal was the fact that I was here, and just how beautiful it all was. The hotel was surrounded by lovely tropical plants, and it was right across from the beach. It was small, quaint, and a real relief from the other towering and intimidating resorts that line the beaches.

After arriving we took the bus across the island to the straw market and took some time to browse the souvenirs. It was great to talk to the locals and learn more about Bahamian life. Then we made a stop at "The Fish Fry" to grab some delicious food before heading back and watching the sunset on the beach.

It's been quite a while since I've travelled, and I can already tell that it was much needed. I could get used to this place.

~Heath B.

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