Sunday, March 20, 2016

First day!

Yesterday was a day of firsts for me. It was my first (and second) time on an airplane, my first time ever in Texas, and my first time out of the country! Flying was terrifying at first, the plane was small and taking off was really nerve wracking. Once we were in the air I was able to relax and appreciate what was maybe the most beautiful thing I've ever seen; the view from above the clouds is unreal! It was so breathtaking that I didn't have time to think about being scared until we started descending to land. The landing was rough, everyone agreed. The next flight was much smoother and I slept most of the time.
 Once we got to Nassau, we rode a shuttle to the hotel. The traffic here is awesome. It's like there are no rules and everyone just drives and honks. After checking in, we went into town and shopped at the straw market. It was so cool to see everything! There were cruise ships in the harbor when we got to the straw marite, and so the area was really busy. We had dinner at a place called Frankie's Gone Bananas Fish Fry and everything was amazing!! The conch (pronounced conc) fritters were my favorite. And the fried plantains ❤️.
Our hotel for the night was right next to the beach, and the view was spectacular! We went to the beach last night and some of us swam and collected rocks while some of us just chilled on the beach. There were ooid sands everywhere when I got back to my room, there's still some in my shoes right now.
There's just so much to see here and it's all so beautiful. We are currently in the airport waiting for our flight to San Salvador, and we all can't wait to get there and experience the island!
That's all for this blog, there will be much more + a million pictures!
-Abigail Rogne

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