Friday, March 25, 2016

Last full day in San Salvador

Evening to all!

Today was our last full day, and I think it's bittersweet for all of us.  We explored the East side of the island which we hadn't visited a lot.  We started out at East Beach, the "trash beach".  It's an area where trash washes up on the shore from people littering.  It was an eye opener and crazy to see how much trash there was.  I would say the items we saw most abundantly were liquor bottles and shoes.  There were hundreds of them.  We actually found a message in a bottle that we are going to open up and read tonight in class, exciting!  

After that we went on to Storr's Lake to see the ever so rare stromatolites.  They are only found living in two parts of the world so it's super cool that we were able to visit one of those places.  The water was hypersaline and super muddy.  We trecked through it linking arms, it was a little difficult with our feet sinking in the mud and stepping on the sharp remnants of stromatolites, but we eventually made it and it was well worth it. 

Next we went to Pigeons Creek.  We stopped at the top of it to check out the mangroves before heading down to eat lunch in a house that was destroyed by Hurricane Joaquin.  We swam up the Creek against the tide which was definitely a little challenging for some of us, but were able to float back with the tide.  That was super nice because the tide was so strong that we didn't have to do much work at all at that point.  

Lastly we went and did some much needed relaxing at French Bay before heading back for some yummy dinner!  We had a little change in our flights, so we are actually flying to Nassau tomorrow instead of Sunday and staying one night there.  We are then going to catch our same flight from Nassau to Little Rock (layover in Houston) Sunday.  It's been an amazing trip full of adventures, but I know I'm ready to get home to see my baby (with four legs)! 

Best regards to all!

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