Sunday, March 25, 2018

Snorkeling in San Salvador

During our class trip to San Salvador in the Bahamas, my favorite part was the snorkeling! On the first day, we snorkeled in Graham’s Harbor and got to see a lovely sea turtle that we later learned was named Saint. On the second day, we snorkeled near the Columbus Monument, and this was one of the prettiest snorkeling locations. We got to see dolphins, coral, and lots of interesting fish. Later that week, we snorkeled at French Bay; unfortunately, it was super windy that day which made snorkeling while trying not to damage the coral difficult. Another one of my favorite snorkeling spots was at Pigeon Creek. I loved swimming by the mangroves and seeing all of the fish. My top spot for snorkeling though would have to be when we went to “The Wall.” The swim was kind of difficult, but the view was worth it! I saw 4 sharks, some stingrays, and many schools of fish. It was an amazing experience and probably my favorite part of the whole trip!
-Callie Pace

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