Sunday, March 25, 2018

Barn Owl Sighting

The experience on San Salvador, Bahamas was a unique one.  There are numerous amounts of life forms on this island.  The barn owl, which are very important in controlling the mouse population on San Salvador Island is a rare.  This is the only species of owl on the island and almost the only biological control to prevent the mouse population from growing and preventing the native Bahamian iguana.  When we first descended the owl cave no one knew that we would stumble upon a mother owl nursing her owlets.

I also enjoyed swimming out to 'The Wall' at Bamboo Point.  This was a beautiful experience.  The ocean floor slowly grew and grew.  The coral reefs were beautiful and then all of a sudden we were out in the deep blue ocean.  There were a plethora of schools of fish, and a shark appeared!  The shark was harmless and added to the experience.

-Andrew Ramírez

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