Friday, March 23, 2018

Just keep swimming

      I think the most memorable things so far have been swimming in Light House Cave and snorkelling in French Bay. Light House Cave was on March 21 and it is a flank margin cave with a direct conduit to the ocean. If you are able to time it right you can walk and swim a good portion of it before high sets in and fills in too much of the cave. This was such a different experience than doing guided or tourist type caves because I had an actual sense of exploring a cave. The water in this area had a much different feel to it than the rest of the island, it is hard to describe but it did feel a lot fresher than the rest of the water sources we have seen on the island.
      The following day we were able to go snorkelling on the south side of San Salvador at French Bay. French Bay has had the most coral present during our dives and it was extraordinary to see. To see the different species of corals and the different fish that dwell among them is amazing, however it is a wake up call on how humans affect these environments. The decline of these environments is detrimental to more than most people understand and honestly that is heartbreaking. I believe if more people were able to see these reefs and fish and educated on their importance then these ecosystems would stand a fighting chance at surviving.

Tristan Gregory

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