Saturday, March 24, 2018

Fossil Coral Reef

Fossil Coral Reef

On March 22, we went down to fossil coral reef, which is on the west coast of San Salvador. This is where we find the type section of the Cockburn Town Member of the Grotto Beach Formation. It's the fossilized remains of two different reef systems that were covered suddenly after catastrophic storm events. Due to the burial of the reef happening in such a short amount of time, there is an amazing amount of detail in the preservation of the coral fossils. While we were there, we saw fossilized brain coral, staghorn coral, sea fans, chitons, as well as live chitons and sea urchins. It's a rare and unique opportunity to be able to see an old reef system that's still in place, with many of the coral in the same positions they're in when they're alive.

Rebecca Bishop

Fossilized brain coral (Photo courtesy of John Snell)

Black sea urchin (Photo courtesy of Olivia Pate)

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