Wednesday, March 26, 2014

     Today we went to French Bay and enjoyed the scenic views that have continued to delight and amaze our group from the beginning of our stay here in the Bahamas. One of the best parts about visiting French Bay was getting to snorkel and look at all the amazing corals out on the reef. It has always been a dream of mine to see a reef in person, and today that dream came true! There were all sorts of corals that I have only seen in pictures and in YouTube videos. Some of the most impressive were the brain corals that lived on the open portion of the reef, but there were also some large sea fans and sponges that were fun to look at as well. Of course, the weather out on the reef was amazing, and an hour or two of swimming easily feels like only a few moments when said time is spent in such an ideal place and with such interesting people.

     Since this is the first time I have blogged I also wanted to give a shout out to my family back home! I hope when my mom and Steve read this they can see that I am having a blast, enjoying myself, and making new friends out here in the Bahamas. The only thing that would make this trip better would be sharing it with more people.

    Thanks for reading everybody!

    Phillip Smith


  1. Hey Bud! Looks like ya'll are having a good time. Have enjoyed reading all the blog posts. Looks like you're in rock/coral heaven. Can't wait to see pics and hear about it when you get home. - Mom

  2. I'm so happy your having fun hun I'd love to hear all about it when your back home! <3

  3. More blog posts! Love hearing about your trip!
