Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fossilized coral reef

It's Morgan again! Our first stop today was at a perfectly fossilized coral reef. The age of the reef has been dated at 125,000 years ago, during high stand 5e (according to oxygen isotopes). It's in the Cockburn Town member of the Grotto Beach formation. It was absolutely incredible! The reefs themselves, and as you can see, the amazingly beautiful backdrop. The reef was catastrophically killed and preserved during a hurricane, which brought a flood of sediment on top of the reef, and it wasn't able to escape. We saw elkhorn coral, brain coral, staghorn coral, and scleractinian. Another INCREDIBLE and AMAZING day on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Stay tuned for more posts about other stops we made today!

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, thank you (and all your classmates) for taking pics, blogging about them, and keeping us posted here back home. Looks like an amazing time!
