Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Caves Y'all!!!

  This is Matt and above are a few pics from some cave action we've had the past couple days.  So here we go!  First two pics, the ones with people coming out of them (myself and Mary "The Zombie" Evelyn, are from solution pits we found in the Owl's Hole Formation.  This formation is a younger limestone found on the island.  These pits are formed vertically.  Essentially, freshwater pools in pockets, which in turn, over time, wears through the rock.  Often where one solution pit is found, there will be many more to follow. 
  Next set of pics are from our jungle journey to Dripping Stone and Alter Cave.  Both are flank margin caves formed 125,000 years ago during highstand 5e.  Both caves have numerous speleothem formations: stalactites, stalagmites, 4-5 ft columns, and some impressive sawtooth drapery.  To the group's dismay, no presence of cave bacon.  Tomorrow we will be checking out the Lighthouse Cave on the upper part of the island.  More pics to come!!

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