Friday, March 28, 2014

Our last day at Gerace...

Today is our last full day at Gerace.  We will get on the plane tomorrow morning and head home.  Sad to go but glad to be going home.  I miss my dog and my bed.

I wanted to send a big "Well Done!" to the students that participated in this class.  To those back home that have been following this blog so far, I'd like to tell you that they have worked their buns off during this week here.  They have met every single challenge that we gave them even though they have had very little down time.  Parents, friends, and colleagues - you, too, should be so very proud of what they have accomplished.  I would bet that 100% of the students could tell you all about the geology of this island, which they have learned in less than one week.  Amazing, amazing group - they made our job easy.

We have an exceptionally long layover in Nassau tomorrow (~ 6 hours) so expect a lot of blogging from the airport.  I'll sign off for now to try to get some sleep.

Dr. Rene

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