Thursday, October 6, 2016

Planetary Session dedicated to Hap McSween

Though I attended many fascinating talks while in Denver the ones I found most informative were the talks given during a session dedicated to Harry 'Hap' McSween. He is a renowned Planetary Professor at the University of Knoxville, TN. I attended this session due to the fact that I am reading one of his books called 'Meteorites and Their Parent Planets' and plan to continue my education in grad school revolving around research on meteorites. The talks were mind boggling. I almost felt discouraged at first because of all the scientific terms that I was unfamiliar with. But never to fear, familiar charts and graphs that I know all too well from mineralogy and petrology came into play. Though I may not have understood some of the talks, now that I am continuing to read the book by Hap I am running into these unfamiliar terms again and again. These once 'unfamiliar' terms have now became part of my vocabulary that I understand. Without these talks I could potentially still be stuck in the wonder of exactly what these terms mean.

Until next time,

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