Sunday, October 9, 2016

GSA Talks

I apologize for the late blog post but it has taken me some time to adjust to being home. The whole trip to and from Denver was a blast. We were able to go on mini field trips along the way which greatly enhanced our over all experience. My favorite excursion was Garden of the Gods and Balanced Rock. These two geologic features were amazing to see first hand! White at GSA, I attended numerous talks all on varying subjects. Every topic imaginable had a talk associated with it! My favorite talks were the ones presented by UALR faculty. I especially enjoyed Dr. Ruhl's talk on coal ash weathering. I was a very proud student listening to one of my professors discuss her research with people from all over the country. A close second favorite was a session dedicated to bringing science to religion. It focused primarily on how the Christian Bible should not be taken literally and how geologic deep time can be explained by creationists if the focus is not so small scale. I found it very interesting, with this being my first GSA attendance, the wide range in topics offered. There was a talk for everyone, no matter their interest. It was neat how the talks also did not just focus on research, but on broader topics like the history of women in geology. After GSA, my brain felt overloaded with information and I cannot wait to attend another conference in the future.

Elizabeth Haralson

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