Thursday, October 6, 2016

For the required 'Feed Your Brain' talk I chose to attend the one titled 'Geosciences Save UNESCO Heritage' given by Claudio Margottini. This talk was one of the best talks I attended the whole meeting. Very interesting and eye opening to how diverse our geology world is. UNESCO is used for the conservation of cultural monuments and also used to prevent geohazards. They travel all over the world to try and save monuments/areas that are being affected by the changing world around us or even human impacts. Places that have already been visited are places such as Bamiyan, Afghanistan, Petra, Jordan, Lumbini, Nepal and Rapa Nui, Chile. Fun fact, there is a culture that actually built churches and other monuments straight into the rock. Not above it, into it. I found that absolutely amazing! There is a debate that if this sort of work is actually creating a new section of geology that would be called 'cultural geology', Either way, it's defiantly a section of geology that I could see myself getting into.

Unitl next time,

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