Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Harper's GSA Poster

Poster Time! Man I need to lose some weight!

Sunday was time to present and I was a little apprehensive, but after a few moments and several visits from my compadre's from UALR, relaxation finally set in. Many people came by who were interested in the carbonatites. Dr. Peter Modreski shared with me the similarities between the carbonites at Magnet Cove with those of the Iron Hill Carbonatite Complex in Colorado. Another related them to those in the Rift Valley of Africa.

One of the more interesting visits was with Dr. Nelson Eby from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He has done EPMA analysis on the mica of Magnet Cove and steered me to his website. There he has a wealth of information on the mica. This should be of great help with the future work I want to do regarding the Magnet Cove Mica.

So, the contacts I have made here at GSA have made the trip worthwhile. Looking forward to our remaining time here and the people I will meet and information I will attain.

David H.

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