Monday, September 26, 2016

Good Evening Everybody!

Today I had a great time at GSA.  For the first part of the day I went to a bunch of Geomorphology talks, and learned a lot of information about what type of research there is in the geomorph field.  After lunch where I ate at fresh market on 16th street mall, I had a volunteer spot.  This involved being trained to help as a technical session helper.  I aided at 1:30-5:45, on the talks about national parks, research, mapping, and more.  One particular talk I found interesting was on phosphate in Loch Vale lake, in Rocky Mountain National Park.  According to the speaker 0.1 % of apatite (a mineral composed of Ca5(PO4)3(Cl,F,OH))) was being dissolved off the rocks nearby, and deposited into the lake.  He was looking at how much phosphate (PO4) was being left behind in the lake after snow melt.  Quite the beautiful lake if you haven't ever been up to Loch Vale Lake, crystal clear, with scenic views of Longs Peak, and Timberlake Falls.  Personally this is one of the lakes I've been to many times.  In fact I believe it was one of the hikes I did in Rocky Mountain National Park at the age of 6.  At any rate, I hope you enjoyed the read.

Signing off,

Christopher DeGarmo

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