Tuesday, November 3, 2015

On To the Future, Sinkholes of the Ozarks, John Mylroie

Hey there,

Started this morning out at a breakfast get together for On To the Future scholarship recipients.  We sat and listened to a speaker share on her experience at the Bighorn Basin Field Camp.  Afterwards, I spent some time alone thinking about all I have learned while being here.  It's been nice taking a little time here and there to reflect.  Next, I mozied on over to a karst technical session that was focused on interdisciplinary methods of analysis.  Josh Blackstock from the University of Arkansas gave a fantastic presentation on the use of an open source program called PAST in the analysis of sinkholes of the Ozarks.  Later in the day, after a foot long Subway sandwich and a quick nap, I met up with some friends and walked over to Edgar Allen Poe's cemetery.  I finished my day at the conference in the karst poster sessions.  This is where I had the opportunity to meet John Mylroie, a favorite geologist of mine.  We talked for at least thirty minutes about Bahamian cave formations.  I was so stoked.  Getting to meet and talk about research with him has been a highlight of the trip.  I also was introduced to a man by Dr. McMillan who has been using drones to create high resolution aerial imagery.  Tomorrow morning I am meeting with a woman to talk about a graduate program I am interested in.  Thanks for the read!

Matt Carey


This is a photo of me yesterday in front of my research poster.  Had the opportunity to talk with a lot of people about my work, their own work, and anything else that came up.

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