Thursday, November 5, 2015


Had a wonderful time at GSA!!!

Tuesday was a busy, busy day. After viewing multiple posters and attending a few talks, I visited with some grad school representatives and learned a little about their programs available. Myself and a few other students went to a nearby cafe for lunch, wanting to try some local cuisine before it was too late (there may have been a ltitle shopping involved :)  ). Afterwards, I met with my GSA assigned mentor to give him updates and ask any questions that I had. I finished walking through posters and grad school tables, then attended a GSA On To the Future reception. I met with past OTF alumn and learned of even more oportunities that, now being an alumn myself, entitles me to. All I can say is, GSA really tries to take care of you and provided you with all of the tools that you need to be successful. After the reception I met with the entire UALR group and a past graduate to enjoy a nice dinner in the harbor. FYI... The shrimp and crab dip in the area is awesome!!! After dinner I returned to the hotel room to pack stuff up and get ready for the journey home.

Wednesday morning at 0400 hours, I woke up and loaded the car. I waited until a nearby Starbucks opened (0500) before leaving, a captains must have. Finally, the trip home was in full swing... until about 1 mile outside of Baltimore where I encountered a 2 hour traffic jam due to 5 consecutive wrecks #NEEDANOTHERSTARBUCKS ! Once moving, the drive out was great and provided an equal beauty to the drive in. The majority of the drive was spent singing to each other. I must say, I nailed every song... HaHa  I arrived home around 2200 hours, and must say was glad to see that Little ole Rock! Don't get me wrong, going places is great, but it's always nice to be back in your element once you get there. 

My overall experience was great! I was very fortunate to be included in several GSA On To the Future events, meet and share info with my assigned mentor that will likely become a future contact of mine, mingle and meet people with similar interest from all over the world, see in person some of the latest technology available to the field, current research, and meet with grad school reps in person to discuss areas of focus within their department. I am looking forward to every GSA meeting in the future so that I may continue to build the current relationships that I've made, and create new ones. 

Thank you UALR and The Department of Earth Sciences for making the journey to the 2015 GSA Anual Conference in Baltimor, MD possible.

-Kevin Gardner

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