Thursday, March 22, 2018

Venturing Into Lighthouse Cave-

On March 21, 2018, I visited Lighthouse Cave with my class in the Bahamas.  We observed that this unit of rock is a member of the Owl's Hole Formation.  This cave is considered to be a flank margin cave.  Due to the infiltration of ocean water and rainwater, the Ghyben-Herzberg lens is also present.  This lens is used as a water resource be the local population.  The entry of this cave was made possible from pitting.  After entering the cave, I saw clastic material as well as stalagmites and stalactites.  This cave is connected to the ocean and is affected by the tide.  Bats were seen within the cave and headlights were required in order to see.  Further on in the cave, the water level got to be neck deep.  Lighthouse Cave was my favorite part of the trip overall.

Julian Ervin

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