Sunday, July 13, 2014

Teachers are Lifelong Learners

 {Dr. McMillan and Dr. Shroat-Lewis during the poster session}

Do you know the reason that teachers teach?  Because we are lifelong learners and really like going to school every day.  Dr. McMillan and I were so excited to be able to attend a week-long workshop entitled "Innovative Approaches to Teaching Sedimentary Geology, Geomorphology, and Paleontology" in St. Paul, Minnesota in June (sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers).  We both walked away with a plethora of new ideas for teaching our courses.  Not only that, but the opportunity to interact with other faculty members from across the United States opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for research and teaching collaborations. It was definitely time well spent.

{Dr. McMillan and Dr. Shroat-Lewis in class}

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